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A Practical Guide to Exterior Rendering of your Home

Me Guided610 10-Jul-2019

A Practical Guide to Exterior Rendering of your Home

Rendering the exterior of your home is worth planning and invest wisely project. Render not only protects the outer walls of your home, but also give it a charismatic look. This is a decoration cum insulation process. Various kinds of renders are available including plaster, cement and acrylic. It is like the skin of your house. It adorns the beauty of the architecture and keeps it safe against the weather change and regular wear and tear. It is universally known that the exterior of any building wears down gradually in the long run. Choosing the best option for your precious property is an important task. It is recommended to use more durable and strong material to prevent the wearing of the exterior to its maximum even if you are having to pay a bit bigger amount than cheaper and less durable material.

Usually a cement render is used for exterior and interior walls as well. Acrylic render is expensive yet considered more durable in harsh climates. Usual colors of renders are grey, black and white but you may add pigment to the mixture for any desired color or you can buy an already mixed render. Render can be applied to a variety of surfaces like brick, masonry, earth and even wooden laths as well. Careful selection will help you match the selected render with the existing render, if you want to repair the weathered wall render. You can use a small amount to repair the weathered patches instead of re-rendering complete walls.

After selecting the appropriate render for the exterior walls of your house or any commercial building you can follow the practical guidelines presented below to get the desired finish.

Wall Preparation:

Prior to the application of render on walls, some measures need to be taken for a perfect finish. Remove all the weathered loose material from the surface of the wall and rack out all the loose pointing material. Do not use wired or metaled pointing for providing the key formations for the render to stay on it. Because it may cause strain in the render material due to differential thermal conductance. In case of brick and masonry walls, it is recommended to water it to the complete damped surface prior to the application of render material. The more the wall will be damped with moisture, the stronger will be the grip of render material on it.

Mixing the Render Material:

The mixture of render should be richer in lime than the regular pointing mortar. You can take 1 part of lime mixed with 2 or 3 parts of cement. Mixing of coarser sand is preferred over smooth fine sand, as the fine sand will end up with a number of cracks after drying up. In case of wooden laths, it is suggested to add hair in the mixture for a greater grip.

Application of Render on the Wall:

There are a number of ways to apply render on the walls, but most easy and effective way is to throw the render against the wall. A trowel can also be used for throwing the render but it will not be as appropriate as throwing manually because the pressure will not be uniform on all the levels of wall.

You cannot understand the process of preparing and applying the render on the walls unless you have already experienced it. Therefore it is strongly recommended to hire a professional for their services instead of doing it by yourself. Paying a reliable professional service provider like Adelaide Rendering can save your money by keeping you from making an expensive mistake.

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